Confidence and Clarity
I write books and articles, and publish a podcast to help believers live out their faith more effectively, especially in the marketplace. That’s why I strive to inspire confidence and infuse clarity in the hearts and heads of everyone who is longing for the abundant life Jesus promised. I personally don’t have anything to say, but I have a lot of encouragement to give regarding what God says about life and faith.
Abundant life doesn’t mean we enjoy the health and wealth we want. Jesus’ version of an abundant life means we live in a confident and hope-filled relationship with he and his Father through the Spirit’s presence within us. And that changes everything.
Take a few minutes to explore my site. Whether it’s a book, a blog, an article, or a podcast episode, you can find nourishment for your soul, encouragement for your heart, and insights for your mind.
Thank you for visiting my site. May you be encouraged in your relationship with Jesus the Christ, our Father in the heavens, and the indwelling Spirit.
10 Minutes of Practical Teaching to Remain in Christ
To grow in your love of God and your understanding of the new life in Christ he’s given you, you have to put in the work. God is all about renewing you by transforming the way you think and act through the power of his Spirit. Your part is to give yourself to embracing his ways by absorbing his words. That’s what the podcast, Drive Time Devotionals is all about - helping you understand Jesus’ teachings in order to apply it to your life each and every day.
How Men and Women Can Practice Love and Respect at Work.
In this interview, I talk about how men and women can have a greater impact on their coworkers, direct reports, managers, and clients. Learn how to become a more effective encourager while not crossing the line with the opposite sex.
Read “4 Ways to Create the Marriage You’ve Always Wanted” at
Read “10 Steps to Praying with Confidence” at
Go to
to read this article on job satisfaction.
Boost Your Confidence to Pray More Consistently.
Read Bill’s article on boosting your confidence when praying on
What Men Crave - Spoiler: It’s Not Money, Sex, or Power
Why is my latest book a #1 New Release on Amazon and trending on Leadership Books? Because most men want to live a godly life but it’s tough, real tough. What every man needs, just like every athlete, is some solid coaching.
- Are you finding it challenging to be a truly godly man, especially at work?
- Are you living up to the full potential of the man God created you to be?
- Would you like to be more effective encouraging the men you work with and work for?
- Do you really understand the heart of the man you married?
The mark of a great man is this: he understands his core needs which fuels his ability to effectively inspire himself and the men around him.
How To Ask God - for What He Wants to Give You
Jesus promised that if we ask according to his Father’s will, every request will be answered. But knowing how to ask in alignment with his will is the question. Bill reveals the answer to this powerful question by showing how to pray God’s words back to him.
Take 10 to Méno is a devotional book through the letter to the Colossians. Each reading takes 10 minutes to complete. Méno is the New Testament Greek word for “remain” and “abide”.
It Don’t Come Easy…
You know it don’t come easy. But it does come. Whether you’ve learned how to play an instrument, excelled in Excel, gotten in shape, or competed in athletics, you experienced success through proper training and regular repetition.
If you are going to be transformed by the power of Christ, you must give yourself to training your mind. A new mind-set comes from taking direct control of your thoughts. THAT requires strength beyond your own ability. And your Father is more than willing to help as you do your part - asking and listening. Every day. Throughout the day.
Take 10 minutes either listening or reading, to allow Him to guide your heart and mind.
Seeing Truth, Living in Confident Faith
Peter was actually walking on water! His sandals were soaked but the rest was high and dry. He had the guts to get out of the boat and give a shot at defying gravity.
But everything changed in a moment. He began to sink as soon as he turned his gaze to the waves and wind - his very compelling circumstances.
That’s your story and mine too. Life screams at us, demanding that we give our full attention to every circumstance and challenge. And just like Pete, we sink when we lose sight of the One who is life.
The fantastic reality is that Jesus never loses sight of us. He can’t! He is always there, extending a hand to pull us back up. To help us regain a proper focus. He longs to help us set our sights on his priorities and perspectives.
May you be strengthened by his power today to be conscience of the Kingdom that is both here and coming.
3 Essentials for Powerful Worship Music
Whether you write praise and worship music, or you are a worship pastor/director, there are 3 keys (excuse the pun) to inspiring a congregation to worship God in spirit and in truth.
1. The most important aspect of great praise and worship music is that the lyrics align with the Bible, with truth. This point cannot be overstated. In order to help people rightfully celebrate God's greatness through song, the words they sing must agree completely with His words. For every point a song makes, it should have a Scriptural basis. If the lyrics are biblically true, the emphasis of the song will be God-centric, rather than an over-emphasis on people or experience. Here’s the question to ask with every line in the song: Where is this found in the Bible? If you are not super knowledgable about the Bible, ask someone who is. Make sure you are leading your people to sing only what is absolutely true about the Father, the Son, the Spirit, and the Kingdom.
Example: Songs that talk about Jesus being the "Lion of Judah" and the "Lamb of God" are correct, but which title should have the most emphasis? Jesus' title of "the Lion of the tribe of Judah" is found only once, in Revelation 5:5. However, he is the “Lamb of God” twice in John's gospel and fourteen times in the Revelation. To refer to Jesus as the Lion of Judah is correct, but the prominent title in the Bible, by an overwhelming margin, is "the Lamb". Question: Does the Spirit of God live in the atmosphere or in people’s hearts? Don’t sing what isn’t true, no matter how insignificant it seems to be.
2. Key selection is critical if you want the entire congregation to have the opportunity to sing. The majority of worship songs are recorded in vocal ranges that average human beings, especially men, cannot sing. Therefore, songs need to be put into singable keys for the average guy, if you want to ensure that everyone can equally join in the worship. I'm in lots of different churches and for the most part, the men that are singing are in the minority. In addition to keys that are too high, using songs that octave up are very difficult for most people to sing well, again especially men. That doesn't mean you have to jettison the many songs that octave up in the recording. Simply find the best key and use instrumentation to add energy rather than raising it vocally. Continually ask yourself: What is the best key for this song for my congregation? There is a perfect key for each song sung by every church.
3. And for the final question: Is this song actually singable by a large group, or a small group? The size of your gathering makes a big difference regarding “singability”. As yourself this question with each song: Can your church family sing this song well? Is it more of a performance song or can the whole group easily sing it together?
To summarize: Worship songs must be biblically pure, sung in the best key for everyone, and singable as a group.
Who am I to offer such unwavering opinions? I'm a man who loves music, loves the Lord, loves His Church, and has been in a plethora of church services almost every Sunday since the spring of 1982. I served for years as a volunteer guitarist in a praise band, and was then led by the Lord into vocational ministry. I have served as a long-term missionary in Africa, as a senior pastor in NC, and as senior/worship pastor in SC. Like Farmers with insurance, I know a thing or two about worship.
Grace to you all.